Our service model

We operate a national (and increasingly international) practice out of Washington, D.C. staffed with senior transactional lawyers with decades of experience in the clean energy and sustainability fields.
Our low overhead model positions us to offer the highest quality legal services at a cost significantly lower than that offered by our large firm competition. Our reliance on senior practitioners, and our full-time immersion in the renewable energy and sustainability sectors, allow us to avoid wasting time on the unimportant.
This competitive advantage has allowed us to rethink the value proposition for legal services and is reflected in several distinctive characteristics of our service offering:
  • We compensate our associate lawyers at levels commensurate with those of our large firm competition, but bill first year associates at a 50% discount to otherwise applicable rates and second year associates at a 25% discount. We do this in the belief that on the job training should be at our expense rather than at the expense of the client.
  • We are free from the tyranny of meeting a "realization" percentage with respect to the extremely high hourly billable rates that characterize large project and development finance firms.  This allows us to commit to fixed fee arrangements that the client can count on, with no surprises at closing.
  • If straight billable rates are preferred, we offer rates that are 15-20% lower than the comparable competition.
  • We are able to offer full flexibility in structuring other alternative billing arrangements, including success fees, blended rates and broken deal discounts.